Mark & Beth Brownson
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
To know Christ and to make Him known

Mark Resume

Mark Ray Brownson

(570) 490-2243




Master of Divinity May 1999

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL


Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education March 1991

Montana State University, Bozeman, MT




Pastor September 2011-July 2014 Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church, Ashland, PA

Preaching, Counseling, Hospital and in Home Visitation, Teaching Adult Bible Study, Part of a Teaching rotation of Sunday School and Prayer Meeting Leaders, Attending Evening Weekly Prayer Services and Teaching in Bible Club for kids, Member of the Board of Directors to determine future strategy of the Church, Member of Ashland area Ministerium.


Pastor July 2005-August 2011 Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church Shamokin, PA

Preaching, Counseling, Hospital and in Home Visitation, Teaching Adult Sunday School, Evening Weekly Prayer Services, and Small Group Bible Studies, Attending, Helping, Leading and Teaching Bible Club for kids, Member of the Board of Directors to determine future strategy of the Church, Member of Shamokin area Ministerium.


Pastor Jan. 2001-June 2005 Amity Road Evangelical Congregational Church Galloway, OH

Preaching, Counseling, Hospital and in Home Visitation, Teaching Adult Sunday School, Evening Weekly Prayer Services, and Small Group Bible Studies, Member of the Board of Directors to determine future strategy of the Church, and Preparing Bulletins and other Church Literature.


Assistant Pastor Sept. 1996 – Dec. 2001 Evangelical Congregational Church of Highland Park, IL

Preaching numerous times throughout the year, Counseling and Mentoring members of the congregation, Coordinating and Leading Adult Sunday School, Evening Weekly Prayer Services, and Small Group Bible Studies, Member of the Board of Directors to determine future strategy of the Church, Evangelizing through Coffee House Ministry, Participating in Hospital Visitation.


Young Singles Ministry Leader Sept. 1994 – Aug. 1996 Evangelical Free Church of Libertyville, IL

Teaching Sunday School Supervising Weekly Bible Studies, Providing Transportation for college members.



College and Career Group Coordinator Sept. 1988 – Aug. 1994 Evangelical Free Church of Bozeman, MT

Teaching weekly Bible Studies, Planning Social Events, Setting up Weekly Fellowship Time, Leading Prayer.



I came to faith in Jesus Christ through the influence of godly parents. I am not sure of the exact date of my conversion however, as I recall, it was either at the age of 5 or 6 when my mother led me to the Lord in the kitchen of our house. Throughout my childhood many activities strengthened my faith. First, Christian radio was almost always continually playing in the background. Additionally, my father was a continual example of godliness and hard work. I cannot remember a Sunday when our family did not attend morning worship at church. If there has been one crisis though, that has driven me to the Lord, it is my dyslexia. My dyslexia was discovered in the first grade and has been a continual struggle for me. This has brought me to the place where I depend more upon God because through this, I recognize my own weakness. With the help of my wife, Beth, who is gifted in the use of the English language, I am able to function above average in writing and my reading has improved greatly over the years. By God's grace, I am a very competent preacher/teacher pastor and administrator.



I had the desire to enter into the ministry while working in a small church plant in Southern California. Many members of the congregation were from low-income families, struggling with problems that plague inner city dwellers. I was providing transportation to the church for these people, teaching Sunday School, and developing relationships with them that lasted much longer than my time there. While I knew that I loved God, I also realized that I needed to express this love through feeding people the Word. I also felt a deep calling for people with needs, such as my friends at this church. God put in my heart the feeling that in order for me to be content, I would have to spend my time with people, helping them develop relationships with God, and taking care of their needs. While I could never understand many of the circumstances of the members, I knew that my mission as a Pastor, helping Jesus’ sheep, was my calling.



"The chief end of man is to know God and to enjoy Him forever" (Westminster Shorter Catechism). The goal of ministry is to lead people into a greater knowledge of God. As people grow in knowledge and intimacy with Christ, their enjoyment of God will increase. The practical out-working of this philosophy manifests itself in an emphasis on discipleship and evangelism. Knowledge of God should result in a spontaneous and heartfelt worship as we increase in our understanding of God. Our understanding of God comes only through His self-revelation. Therefore, it is necessary in preaching and teaching, in discipleship, and in evangelism to have a fidelity to the Word of God. At the forefront of my ministry activities is my commitment to expository preaching and teaching. Small group ministries and visitation need to be a vital and essential part of the church ministry. The transforming process is ultimately effected by an encounter with Christ through both the written Word and the lives of His people. The second movement of the Christian life is prayer. No ministry can be expected to succeed apart from much prayer. While business tactics and programs may increase numbers in the Church, they neglect to give the credit to God as the object of our faith in worship. So, only after much prayer and with a sense of recognition that it is the Holy Spirit who brings about the increase, can a church truly grow.




According to Ephesians 4:11-13, the church’s purpose is to prepare people for God’s works of service. I visited a church that said as you were leaving “You are now entering the mission field.” This sign shows a proper understanding of the church. The church is to equip people for ministry. The church is not primarily a place where ministry is done, but rather a place of equipping. God has gifted various members of the church with various equipping roles so that the congregation when they leave the church is prepared to go and do God’s work. The essential nature of this training is in faith and godliness. The goal of the church is that the people look like Christ Jesus. According to Hebrews 10:23, when we come together, it is to encourage one another. Life is often times very strenuous and the culture seems to be running counter to our biblical teachings, so we need to gather together to encourage one another so that we do not become discouraged and forsake the truth of the gospel.



I have attempted to model my leadership style after Christ. Although I fall short in many ways, some of the characteristics of Christ that I have attempted to incorporate in my ministry style are His relentlessness and His gentleness. For instance, when He saw an issue of spiritual importance, He stood strongly and passionately for what was right, such as the time He threw the money changers out of the temple or rebuked the Pharisees. Contrastingly, there were times when He was also very gentle, as with the woman at the well. Moreover, He was not afraid to get His hands dirty and do menial jobs, thereby setting an example of lowly servanthood for others to follow. An example would be the time He washed the Disciples’ feet. Additionally, Christ had a contagious lifestyle which many found attractive. Everywhere He traveled, crowds would gather to hear His teaching. Finally, He was dedicated to small group ministries through His long-term in-depth relationships with the twelve disciples. My goal is to emulate Him in these areas and continue to grow so that I may say honestly as the apostle Paul, “Follow my example as I follow Christ.”




I was born November 10, 1966 in Malta, Montana to Roger and Velma Brownson. I married my lovely wife, Beth-Ann Brownson, May 19, 2007 in Shamokin, PA. We have no children at this point.




Mr. Terry Crocker—863-257-3375

3161 South Country Club Drive

Avon Park, FL 33825


Mr. Richard Fritz, Funeral Director—570-875-4171

Centre Street

Ashland, PA 17921


Pastor Bob and Mrs. Darlene Smith—570-985-7946

2003 Luther Circle

Milton, DE 19968


Mr. Rodney Paul--570-590-3786

14 Village Las Palmos Circle

St. Augustine, FL 32080