Mark & Beth Brownson
Monday, March 31, 2025
To know Christ and to make Him known

How To Study the Bible: Part E

2 Timothy 2:16, 17 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

The Bible's purpose in the life of a Christian is three-fold. It is to correct us when we are wrong, which is the opposite of affirming us. None of us like to be told we are wrong. The willingness to admit that we are wrong is a sign of maturity. I remember when I was in Junior High School, I brought a friend to a small country church with me. The Sunday School teacher was teaching a lesson and insisting that the pope was the antichrist. My friend was catholic. I corrected my teacher and told him to show me from Scripture where this was taught. My teacher was a godly man. Next week, he came back to the Sunday School class and apologized, and said he could not find in the Scripture that the pope was the antichrist. Scripture is to be the standard by which we filter truth from falsehood. It is neither the Bible's or the pastor's job to make anyone feel good about themselves. Correction is never pleasant, but is much needed in the church. The second purpose in the life of the believer is to teach us how to live, not teach us how to make money, although the Bible has some things to say about that. Or, how to have successful relationships, although there are many good principles that can be gained from Scripture. But it is to teach us the difference between right and wrong and how God would have us to live. Although the Christian will inevitably fail from time to time, Scripture is the means the Holy Spirit uses to get us back on track. Scripture and the Holy Spirit work hand in hand, which Lord willing, we will deal more with at a later date. Needless to say, the Christian life cannot be lived apart from the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. The third purpose of the Scriptures in the life of the believer is to equip or prepare the people of God for good work. This is a positive attribute of the Scriptures. It is God's Word that enables us to successfully fulfill His mission here on earth. If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit we have some growth edges. God uses His Word to enable us to serve in a way that is pleasing to Him and effective in reaching the world.

In the context of 2 Timothy, this was to be the preached Word, as Timothy the young pastor sought to apply the Word of God to his congregation. As believers, we should seek to go to church and read the Bible to hear the Word of God applied to our lives. For most people, this takes a great deal of humility. Instruction is not easy to receive.

How To Study the Bible: Part E