Mark & Beth Brownson
Friday, February 07, 2025
To know Christ and to make Him known

Mark's Response to the Orlando Terrorist Attack of June 12, 2016

I know that what I am going to say will offend some. I hope it offends us all. The tragedy that took place in Orlando, which is not too far from where we live, was terrible, not because those who were killed were innocent, but because of the wickedness of man's heart. The tragedy is in that those murdered were unprepared to defend themselves. I know full well that this will be blamed on religious fanaticism. Unfortunately, this would include me because I am an ordained, protestant minister, who holds to the Bible being the very Word of God. Islamic terrorists and some branches of Christianity seem to think that our Kingdom is of this world and that our victories are won either on the Political front or on the Battlefield. I would affirm with the Islamic terrorists that God is great (Allah Akbar). We can discuss it another time whether "Allah" is the proper name for God. That has nothing to do with my point. My point is simply this: If God is so great, let Him fight His own battles. He doesn't need us to save His honor or His integrity. This doesn't mean we don't take a stand on sexual immorality. I have seen the self-destructive nature of both heterosexual and homosexual immorality and it is not my job to be the morality police. When I have tried, it has only served to reveal the blackness of my own heart, which is a good thing. I am driven to my knees, recognizing my own wickedness for wanting to do the job of God and bring about moral purity under my own strength and power. I would like to quote a couple of parishioners, who I have found in their own simple way, are exceedingly wise. When I ask one man how he is doing, he replies "better than I deserve". This is true of all of us, regardless of sexual orientation or religious background. It is the grace of God that hopefully leads us to repentance. Another gentleman from one of my churches, every time he lead a Bible Study, came to the point that "that old time religion makes me love everybody". This is the point of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Our neighbor is those who are in need and that we show them love, that God demands through kindness and compassion. Mark Brownson Mark's Response to the Orlando Terrorist Attack of June 12, 2016